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Nominating Committee

  • The Nominating Committee selects candidates to serve as directors of the Club's Board of Governors.

  • The Nominating Committee has 8 Members.

The 2024 Nominating Committee Members

Dean Goodwin - Chair

Mary Beth Faulkner

Randy Powell

Nancy Buck

Tim Ely

Lynne Richards

Lindy Small

Clint Allen

How the Nominating Committee Appoints Board Members

There are two ways to be nominated to the Board of Governors. First is by recommendation by the Nominating Committee or by petition of 10% of the total votes eligible to be cast by the Membership. More information is detailed in the Club Bylaws.

Each year the Seabrook Island Club Nominating Committee begins its process to fill open Board of Governor seats. Given this, we wanted to inform all Club Members of how the Nominating Committee is constituted and how this work gets done.

As directed by the Club Bylaws, the Board President appoints a Club Member as Chair of the Nominating Committee. Members of the Nominating Committee are then recruited from the Membership by the Board and serve for a single two-year term. Once in place, the Committee operates independently from the Board of Governors. 

The work of the Nominating Committee is to identify the best candidates from the Club Members who have applied to serve on the Board. In the execution of this task, the process we follow is as thorough, information-driven, and transparent as possible. However, all applicant, reference, and interview-specific information is treated as confidential by the Committee.

Board of Governor Openings

Our Club uses a slate methodology to fill vacancies on the BOG. Unlike an open election, choosing a slate requires the Nominating Committee to review and vet each candidate thoroughly with neutrality, thereby serving as the “eyes and ears” of the over 2,000 Club Members spread across the globe.

Also, when a Board Member resigns in mid-term, the Bylaws direct the Nominating Committee Chair to recommend a replacement, which in turn must receive Board approval prior to being appointed. All candidates must provide three references. Any candidate who is a current Board Member must provide three references from Board Members who have served with the candidate. 

 The Club Bylaws require Members who apply for Board vacancies:


  • To be current Club Members “in good standing,” meaning they are current in their dues payments and have not been censured by the Board for any violation of Club rules or By-Law provisions.

  • Not be a spouse, partner, or immediate family Member (parent, child, sibling) of a current Member either of the Seabrook Island Club Board or Seabrook Island Real Estate Board.


These provisions apply to all Club Members – both full and part-time residents.

Board Candidate Review Process

The Board solicits applicants through a mass email to Club Members.

Members who submitted applications are then vetted by Lindsay Arnold, SIC Membership Director, to verify they were “Members in good standing.” The first meeting of the Nominating Committee covers a wide range of items, including Introductions, Review of Mission/History, Lessons Learned from Prior Years, Process Going Forward, Transparency, and Confidentiality. Although the BOG gives input on particular professional or technical skill gaps existing within the remaining Board Members, it is understood that the Nominating Committee works independently of both the Board and Club management.

When all applicants have been found to be Members “in good standing” in accordance with Bylaw provisions, the Nominating Committee can move forward to assign a Nominating Committee “lead” for each candidate. The duties of that “lead” are to:

  • Inform their applicant of the Nominating Committee process.

  • Interview the three references provided by their applicant.

  • Guide their applicants through the process, including in-person interviews by the entire Nominating Committee

Following the interviews, the voting Members of the Committee will submit their rank-ordered recommendations to the Nominating Committee chair, who will tabulate the votes. Once votes are tabulated, the Committee will convene to discuss and secure consensus on the Committee’s slate of candidates.

Upon conclusion of this work, the Nominating Committee submits the list of candidates to the Board at least 75 days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. These candidates are then voted upon by the membership at that meeting.

Qualities Sought in Board Candidates

While existing Club By-Laws guide the nominating process, they do not identify the specific criteria or qualities the Committee should consider in evaluating each candidate’s effectiveness and ability to be a positive force to advance the Club's success. After talking to both current and former BOG Members, the Nominating Committee compiles a number of qualities and strengths we look for in candidates, including:

  • A sense of integrity and ethical standards that are applied to all Board dealings and decisions.

  • An open-minded and collaborative approach in listening to perspectives and considering viewpoints of all Member constituents.

  • A willingness to become informed on issues of critical importance to the Club and help guide the Board in responsibly addressing related concerns and impacts.

  • The visionary ability to identify needs that help sustain the Club’s continued success and long-term viability, regardless of past precedents and what is done “now.”

  • A willingness to contribute to a team environment where transparency and thorough communications are valued and drive the type and amount of information disseminated.

  • The willingness and ability to take on Board Committee responsibilities and be prepared to take on added leadership roles as needed.


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